Tea is an eminently British thing. If you want to make your video game character more British then feature them drinking tea - Prof. Layton, Henry Hatsworth etc. spring to mind. This is why it confounds me that the British do not appreciate that tamed and caged beast of bottled tea.
My partner maintains that this is due to the temperature, that it’s unnatural to drink cold tea, and to a certain extent this may be true. Nescafe and other purveyors of instant drinks have tried and failed to market self heating coffee and tea in the UK. These fail due to the price and the fact that real hot coffee is a lot nicer.
My belief is that bottled tea fails because it is made en masse with tea powder and not specifically brewed. Also you can't have milk with it which makes it less British. Having had bad bottled tea that was made from powder from Spar quite recently I picked up the Pokka bottles as a last ditch attempt to replace the Twinnings Earl Grey with Lemon that I used to love a decade or so ago.
The first thing I noticed was that this actually tastes like strong tea. It has a consistent flavour, and a lovely aftertaste of actual lemon juice. The sweetness is just right for me and balances the sour of the lemons. It's a perfect blend for carrying around with you for mornings where a real cup of tea just isn't possible, and a great pick me up for during work or lectures.
Unfortunately I've not seen this around many places and fear that once I buy out the stock at the shop I'm currently buying it from I may never see it again. Such is the nature of food finds!
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